Resources and Next Steps for Racial Justice and Healing
Local organizations that are doing great racial justice and healing work:
· North Shore NAACP:
· North Shore Juneteenth:
· Salem United:
· ECCO (Essex County Community Organization):
Recommended reading/listening:
My Grandmother’s Hands, Resmaa Menakem
Mindful of Race, Ruth King
The Little Book of Race and Restorative Justice, Fania E. Davis
Beyond Inclusion, Beyond Empowerment, Leticia Nieto with Margo F. Boyer
The Racial Healing Handbook, Anneliese Singh
Where do we go from here? Martin Luther King Jr.
Scene on Radio podcast: 2017 Season, “Seeing White,” excellent history of race in the context of the US.
“The Fire Next Time,” James Baldwin
Racial justice and healing require both individual and systemic change. What will be my next steps?
I would like to learn more about ______________________ and I will do this by
I would like to get involved in _________________________________________________
I would like to reach out to ___________________________________________________